Monday, December 12, 2005

Lets discuss this Political Nightmare!

In recent developments with the wars in the middle-east USA spreads itself thinner as we dredge on into huge debt. Our deficit is our biggest concern or at least it should be. The trouble is that our president needs to be able to focus on education and creating jobs not just fighting wars.

Our integrity and our future as a nation is at risk and if we do not fight for our stance by voting and voting in each election. Accepting the looming danger of the economy is not an excuse as a final farewell of power and security. The time for Americans to take charge of its own Democracy is now. We must balance our endeavors as a nation. It is not the time to care if Iraq's Democracy fails when the country urges more and more for civil war out-right. Our Democracy is still more important than that of one oversees.
Let your vote speak your mind

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