Saturday, December 10, 2005

Video Games and Books, Can they coexist?

Can Video Games and Books coexist?
I think that they can and not only will they coexist but with the right amount of time and precious planning applied to each they will forever compliment each other. The ever popular Halo series on Microsoft's xbox game console has also pushed for novels to be published that either follow the same storyline as the games or continue the story where they left off.

At the moment the gaming industry is at a turning point with next gen systems being finished and or released, and with the quality of graphics and etc going up along with the cost of porducing a finished product, we as consumers must do alot to press for the price line to stay low or the cost of games will skyrocket.

Books are going through similar troubles do to digital publishing media. Not to worry, our hard copies aren't doomed, but many will inevitablygive up buying them. Maybe this will mean that more people will buy them that previously would not have done so?

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